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Introduction Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission Vision & Mission
The KHPLEI(Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute) intends to become a test rating agency that earns everyone’s trust and satisfaction based on fairness and reliability of tests and customized services.

Mission & Vision

[The improvement of the quality of health care personnel through the specialization of national examinations]
We contribute to the public health by improving workforce capabilities by specializing the management of national health personnel examination.
[The examination rating agency that people can trust and satisfy]
The rating agency that provides impressive customized services and earns everyone’s trust and satisfaction for fairness and reliability of its examination services.

Core Value

  • Customer Centered
  • Leading Charge
  • Strengthening Evaluation
  • Organizational Innovation

Strategic Goal & Strategic Task

Providing customized service focusing on customer
Conducting examination focusing on examinee
Improving application and licensing system
Expanding examination information provision
Improving examination system based on the trend
Establishing advanced assessment system
Rationalizing examination system
Promoting research business preparing for change
Organizing stable question setting system
Expanding high quality questions
Cultivation specialized talent for examination
stabilizing Test Question Management
Fulfilling Social Value Through Innovation
Strengthening Social Responsibility
Innovation Organization and Establishing Open Organizational Culture
Searching for future growth strategy