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Research Academic Information Exchange

Academic Information Exchange

Memorandum of Understanding, MOU

Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute(KHPLEI) has conducted memorandum of understanding(MOU) with related organizations . Currently, following organizations had MOU with KHPLEI.
Medical Council of Canada(MCC), since 2012.10.12 Link
The Commission on Dental Competency Assessments(CDCA) since 2013.10.17. Link
The Ministry of Examination(MOEx) Taiwan, Since 2015.04.24. Link
The mainstream of academic informaiton exchange are following.
  • Improvement of national qualification test system
  • Advancement of clinical skill examinations
  • Approaches to computer based testing and/or computer adaptive testing
  • Progress of the system for the licensing exmainations
  • Moreover, KHPLEI actively shares information with other international organizaions as well.

Member of IAMRA

The KHPLEI has been participating in the biennial internal conference and general assembly since it joined the IAMRA in 2003. The International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA) is a non-profit association with 104 members representing more than 46 countries. The IAMRA’s aim is to support medical regulatory authorities worldwide in protecting the public interest by promoting high standards for a physician's education, their licensure and regulation, and facilitating the ongoing exchange of information among medical regulatory authorities. The IAMRA strives to be responsive to the needs and future direction of medical regulatory authorities worldwide. Communication, participation and interaction by all are deemed paramount to the true success of this international collaboration.